Sunday, February 10, 2008

Manic Monday- In Honor of Valentine's Day...

What is the most romantic movie that you've ever seen?If you could be the lover of any person alive other than your current lover, who would you pick?What scents remind you of a loved one?

Romatic Movie- Ghost

Another person to love? - really now, I wanted to be a nun before.

Scents- There was this affordable cologne before- Charmis- the pink one and the green one. For perfume- Paco rabanne


Anonymous said...

I like also Ghost movie an it makes me cry and sad because of the results. Happy MM!

Anonymous said...

Interesting answers - I've never seen Ghost. Happy MM!

poefusion said...

Ghost is the best movie. It's funny and sad all in one. A nun is definitely an interesting answer to #2. Have a nice day. Happy MM~