Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My love story in digital presentation

If there is a romantic story that I love, it is our own story! Yes, the love story of my life. My then boyfriend, now my husband and I were separated for ten years. Before he left to work abroad, we were together for two years and had created precious memories. When we were geographically apart, we just sent each other pictures, love letters, gifts, Christmas cards and others. We also burnt the telephone lines during that time. I was able to keep all those prepaid cards that I used to communicate with him. Now, we are living as husband and wife with one cute little boy in tow. I remembered before that he told me to make sure all our pictures are kept safe so that we will be able to show our children and future grandchildren. Now that everything is digital, why not turn those memories into a more lasting one. We could collate all the pictures, combine it with music and some graphics into a beautiful presentation. I read that Roxio Extreme Digital Makeover could help us out. They can do a combination of their two episodes, that of Wedding Day Crunch and A Walk in the Park. I like both because it would certainly serve what I have in mind. I think that it would be great. That would be one of my prized possessions.

Are you already watching Digital Makeover TV? It is really fun and informative, is it not? Zoey and Chris, the hosts of the show had helped many people already. Good news, there is a contest going on! It is open to all! You will have a digital makeover and even win prizes! Join now!


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