Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday's Feast #2

Feast One Hundred & Seventy Seven

How many times per day do you usually laugh?

I think the question should be rephrased, is there a day that I do not laugh?

What do your sunglasses look like?

Honestly? I am not fond of sunglasses.I do not have one.

You win a free trip to anywhere on your continent, but you have to travel by train. Where do you go?

Is there a train going to Hawaii?

Main Course
Name one thing you consider a great quality about living in your town/city.

Well, I still think that I belong to Marikina City.It won the cleanest city award.

If the sky could be another color, what color do you think would look best?

Well, I always like the color of the sky during sunset.Though, I know that those red orange colors are actually of the clouds, I think the sky will look good on that.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a train to Hawaii! I used to live there and I SO want to go back!

Anonymous said...

hi Mica! Great Feast! here is mine

Anonymous said...

Ay you're from Marikina pala. Yeah, cleanest city nga dyan sa inyo :) I'm from QC...

Happy Friday! Come join my feast :)

Julie said...

Loved your salad. I wish there was a train to Hawaii:)Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Friday

Judy@nofearentertaining said...

Great Feast. Thanks for visiting mine!

Kristin said...

Great feast!

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Haha your salad made me giggle! I wish there was a train to Hawaii. The view may be interesting, maybe some whale watching...