Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thursday Thirteen # 2= Thirteen Medicinal Plants

Thirteen Medicinal Plants


bulbs are used in a decoction to cure gonorrhoea, and in the form of a poultice are employed as a maturative. flowers are used as a diuretic and emetic.

2. Mushroom- good for the immune system
3.Jasmin-flowers contain a volatile oil, jasminol, and indol,presence of salycylic acid and an astringent principle in the leaves.Can be used as an eyewash, and a cataplasm of the flowers as a poultice to prevent a flow of milk.
Dymock, Warden, and Hooper state that the Hindu physicians prescribe the leaves as a remedy for skin diseases, ulcers of the mouth, otorrhea, etc.Chakradatta, mentions the use of fresh juice of the leaves as an application to soften corns, and the use of an oil prepared with it to be chewed by those who suffer from ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Mahomeran writers consider the plant to have deobstruent, anthelmintic, diuretic, and emmenagogue properties.

4. Ipil- ipil- bark and roots
is a powerful emmenagogue

According to Hooper, the dried flowers are among the Chinese drugs used in Malaya, an infusion being diuretic and also used for itches and other skin diseases.Crevost and Petelot say that they are given for dysentery in Indo-China.Can also be used as demulcent and anti-febrile remedies in diarrhea, dysenteries, and dysmenorrhea. The flowers are sometimes substituted for tea. The seeds are employed in headaches and colds, and are also used, combined with pig marrow, as an application to discharging ulcers.
6. Guava- I guess there is no explanation needed for guava.Everyone knows that it has tyhe highest Vitamin C content.The leaves are used for
or washing ulcers and wounds. Guerrero states that the bark and leaves are astringent, vulnerary, and when decocted, antidiarhetic.

7. Eucalyptus-Eucalyptus oil is very extensively used in medicine and is highly esteemed as a valuable remedy. Eucalyptol is used externally and internally. Internally it is a stimulant. Locally it possesses mildly antiseptic and anaesthetic properties.

8. Dandelions- According to Caius the plant is largely cultivated in India where the root is a very popular remedy for liver complaints. The root is diuretic, tonic, and slightly aperient. It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, and is chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders. It is, perhaps, one of the most generally prescribed remedies in Europe. At Kironi in Baluchistan the leaves are used for fomentations. In China the leaves are prescribed internally as a bitter depurant; externally, they are used for poulticing after having been pounded. In Derbyshire the juice of the stalk is applied to remove warts.

9. Corn- diuretic owing to its potassium content;decoction of the root and leaves is also used for urinary difficulties, strangury and gravel. The corn silks (stigmas) has been used in Europe and America in the treatment of genito-urinary diseases. It is also used for such purposes in French Guinea, in India, in Greece, and in Spain.
10.Coconut- The complete tree indeed!
The roots are used medicinally. Heyne reports that they are astringent and are used in Java for dysentery and other intestinal complaints.Haniff state that the Malays use a poultice of the roots in syphilis and gonorrhoea, and in rheumatism.� Macmillan records that the roots are used for strengthening the gum.
11. Calamansi- another good source of Vit.C!
a refrigerant (being a rich source of Vitamin C), as a remedy for coughs and for itches, as a deodorant, and as an antiphlogistic.
12. Cacao- C
acao butter is sued in the manufacture of confections, toilet preparations, and cosmetic ointments, and in pharmacy or coating pills and preparing suppositories.Grieve affirms that the oil of Theobroma or cacao butter is an excellent emollient and is used to soften and protect chapped hands and lips. Theobromine resembles caffeine in its action, but its effect on the central nervous system is less powerful. Its action on muscles, the kidney, and heart is more pronounced. It is used principally for its diuretic effect, which is due to stimulation of the renal epithelium; it is especially useful when there is an accumulation of fluid in the body resulting from cardiac failure, when it is often given with digitalis or relieves dilatation. It is also employed in high blood pressure, as it deleted the blood vessels. It is best administered in powders or cachets.
13.Squash- Popular for being a good source of Vit.A.
The young shoots are excellent sources of calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
Nadkarni reports that in India the pulp of the fruit is often used as a poultice for boils, carbuncles, unhealthy ulcers, etc. the dried pulp is a remedy for haemoptysis and hemorrhages from the pulmonary organs, being given in the form of a confection. The part of the fruit-stalk which is in immediate contract with the ripe gourd is removed, dried, made into a paste by rubbing with water, and given as a specific for bite of venomous insects of all kinds, but chiefly centipedes.
According to Planchon and Collin the seeds pulped or in emulsion, are employed as vermifuge. Greshoff tells of the occasional use of the presence of saponin in the seeds. Nadkarni reports that the seeds are given with sugar for tapeworm. They are given at bedtime, and followed next morning with a dose of castor oil. As a diuretic they are given in gonorrhea and urinary diseases.
irtikar and Basu state that the oil from the seeds is used as a nervine tonic.


By the way, thanks for the visit:

Nadiah Alwi

Cindy Swanson

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel





Jodi Cleghorn


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Sonya said...

Very interesting list. I'll have to remember some of these as they would be very helpful!

pussreboots said...

Interesting list. Happy TT.

maryt/theteach said...

What a helpful list, Mica! I will print it off and keep it and visit the herbal store to see what I can get. Some of these are new to me. Thanks for visiting my TT post!

Unknown said...

Love to study health - love this post! Yippee! I have a coconut post I want to put up. I think it's one of the biggest cure-alls there is. Thx for the visit :) (I think it was you. There was no link!) Happy TT.

ellen b. said...

I always find stuff like this fascinating. Thanks for all the photos too...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about mushrooms bit it's good to know.

JO said...

happy TT...