Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Health is Wealth

Health is wealth as they always say. No one would like to get sick because it would mean unexpected expenses for medicines or for worse cases, hospitalization. But why not allot certain savings for times like this? Of course, it is not like you are expecting to be afflicted with disease so that you could spend your money for that. It is just a matter of being ready.A health insurance is advisable. Get one that has a good coverage. An insurance that is comprehensive enough to answer for those emergency needs. I suggest that you study your options and how much will be the monthly amortization.

There are many types of health insurance. You are lucky if your company has this as one of your benefits. We have one and we only pay a minimum amount, almost negligible compare with what it can give when someone gets sick. Group policies are always cheaper than getting a personal plan. It is better if you get a plan that will be beneficial to all the members of the family. You might want to also get a type that will let you choose your own doctor or the hospital of your choice. That is called Free- For- Service. Our plan is that of Managed care meaning we can go only to those doctors that are members of the Health Insurance provider. To know more about your options, log on to

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