Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shine again

Life is becoming uncertain. With the recent global crisis, many lost their jobs. One of my cousins who worked abroad all her life, visited us last month. She lost her job, She was so sad and somehow depressed thus she decided to go back here in our country. Not for good though. She is already a citizen in that foreign country thus she said that she will do all her best to rise up and shine again! How positive! I like that. She was asking us what could be a good investment since she has savings and would like to invest a part of it. I told her to buy gold bars. Hey, go back to the basic. Yes, I consider buying gold as a basic. There are many people who got rich because of investing in gold.

1 comment:

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Yes, buying gold bars and gold coins assures us of security for all the uncertainties of the future. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.